Prevention Programs

Do you want to be reactive or proactive? Prevention is one of the keys to success in any area of life and is especially important when it comes to our bodies! Although it may take a little work and a lot of consistency, it’s so much easier to prevent a problem than to go through rehab or surgery after a problem or injury occurs.

Prevention is very close to our hearts here at Ultimate Edge Sports Medicine—it’s a part of everything we do.

Prevention is included in all of our rehab, training, recovery, and performance-based programs; however, we do offer specific prevention programs separately. Our prevention programs include upper extremity for the overhead athlete, lower extremity, jump training, and individualized specific programs that run for six weeks and require a one-hour commitment two times a week. We offer one-on-one and group prevention programs.

Throughout our programs, you will receive a very detailed education in correct movement and form techniques that will allow you to gain a new level of untapped potential in your abilities!

You will learn what musculature protects the area of focus and how to activate the musculature so that it’s “awake” for you and ready to work and support the activity you’ll be doing. You will build greater strength, coordination, control, and mobility with matching stability.

Our Upper Extremity Prevention Program consists of a comprehensive research-based program that will build the foundational strength needs of the shoulder--especially in the overhead athlete. It consists of education and training of accompanying aspects within the rest of the body that are needed (i.e. hip and core strength and translation). This program also provides you with the tools to know a proper warm-up, recovery, and progressed gains for future potential. It prepares an individual to safely return to their activity of choice with newly gained knowledge and ability that will empower them beyond the six-week program.

Our Lower Extremity Prevention program consists of a comprehensive research-based program that will build proper form and technique in our basic functional movements including the squat, step and lunge. We find that most often, young or old individuals have never been properly educated in the correct form and therefore fall into compensatory patterns that teach the body learned weaknesses and compensations. We begin with baseline testing and foundational teaching, then take off with strength training, balance and coordination training, and then impact training for taking off and landing. We teach the techniques of load to explode and educate the individual on how to utilize the strength and power present in the body to perform safely and efficiently. This in turn builds greater power and control for the individual allowing for better performance.

Our Jump Training Program was created to help prevent injuries from our high-impact athletes that frequently take off and land off of one or both legs. It is comprised of research-based testing for baseline strength, followed by research-based strength and balance training. Once foundational movements and concepts are mastered, the impact begins with understanding form and technique to generate power, followed by learning strategies and techniques for landing, shock absorption and impact. It’s designed to teach the athlete’s body how it should take off and land, but also teach the body how to control the lower extremity when the body doesn’t land in the ideal position, thus protecting it from undo stress and strain to prevent detrimental injury.

Individualized Sport-Specific/goal-specific prevention is a program that is individually designed with the specific athlete in mind. Baseline research-based testing will be performed. Specific goals will be reviewed and an individualized prevention program will be designed specifically to the athlete's goals and activity.

Whether you’re a young individual who is growing and desiring to learn how to control your body in space, a seasoned athlete who is looking to perform at your highest potential, or a weekend warrior who loves to be active and wants to stay that way, our prevention programs are a huge asset to your safety, avoidance of chronic issues, and your overall performance. We believe if we’re training the body correctly we can reduce the risk of injury and, in reducing the risk of injury, we are strengthening, conditioning, and training the body to control itself in space, positions, movements, and impact. The body’s performance, therefore, is stronger, more deliberate, more determined, and more precise, which ultimately produces greater performance as a byproduct of prevention.

Call or email us today to inquire more about our programs above or schedule a time to begin your prevention program!


Dry needling


Performance Training