Recovery Services

Recovery is the most important component of rehabilitation, healing, and performance and recovery is probably the most undervalued aspect of treatment and performance.

When we’re recovering from an injury, surgery, or an everyday chronic overuse problem, the tissue, muscles, circulation, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, and neuromuscular system are stressed and broken down at some level. This prevents an individual from being able to move, function and perform at the level they desire. If you work out hard one day, you’re sore and tired the next day and most likely cannot perform at the same level as you did the previous day. This is because the body has been challenged to a point where a breakdown has occurred in the various systems in the body. When the systems in the body reach this point, the body then works to build back which results in building back stronger. The body has to be allowed to complete the process of rebuilding, otherwise, the body will continue to break down further, ultimately delaying or reducing the recovery and level of output available. Adequate recovery is essential for injury prevention and optimal performance, so don’t neglect the recovery and rebuilding phase of your training. We offer several options to assist with your recovery so you can feel your best to perform at your best!

You can only perform as well as you are recovered; recovery is everything. If our bodies are not adequately or fully recovered, we can only function at a percent of our optimal potential!

This is not ideal if you’re working to be your best, feel your best and perform at your best. Recovery services at Ultimate Edge Sports Medicine always include education on how nutrition and hydration play a massive role in your recovery—fuel is where recovery begins. If a car has no gas or the wrong kind of gas in it, it will not run or run efficiently. Our bodies are the same way; what we eat and drink provides the fuel for our bodies to function and function efficiently.

Normatec Circulatory Compression is another aspect of recovery that we offer. Circulation is life to the body and without it, we would die. Circulation carries the oxygenated red blood cells that have all the nutrients for healing and rebuilding. The more circulation you can provide, the better and faster the recovery. Normatec is one resource that can assist with this. Normatec is comprised of a compression sleeve for the arms, legs, or hips that alternates compression and release of pressure to enhance circulatory flow within the body part being treated.

Dry Needling Services can assist with recovery and are a part of our daily function at Ultimate Edge Sports Medicine. Dry Needling can be used to facilitate circulation to an area of the body to aid in recovery and healing, as well as help release tightness in a muscle. It’s a great tool for an acute strain or sprain and can decrease the recovery time by one to two weeks if performed within 24 hours of the injury. Check out our post on Dry Needling for a more in-depth look at the benefits of Dry Needling.

Manual therapy, stretching and mobility work are key to recovery as well. This is something our highly skilled clinicians perform and educate our patients and clients in to assist with active recovery, circulation enhancement, and improving and maintaining mobility. Manual and mobility work can also decrease the severity and length of time you may experience soreness or stiffness after an injury or training. This can allow you to feel “ready to "go” sooner than normal and/or faster than your competitor.

If you’re not 100% recovered then you cannot perform at 100% of your potential. If you want to gain the ultimate edge in your performance, make recovery a regular part of your life, programming, and training!

Give us a call to schedule your own recovery session or send us an email to get more information.


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